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Smoke Detection⚓︎

Our new product Smoke Detection helps you combat smoking in your fleet. It’s easy to install and will send you an alert whenever someone smokes inside your vehicle. The event includes air quality and vehicle data, so you have strong evidence for fines.

Smoke Detection Event

Save time on installations: The plug-and-play design ensures minimal disruption, allowing you to quickly equip your entire fleet with Smoke Detection without affecting operations.

Automate smoking fines: Access Smoke Detection data via API to build automated workflows, reducing team workload. Send out fines automatically and review events as needed. Of course, you can also access smoke events in FleetControl.

Optimize cleaning: Fewer smokers mean lower cleaning frequency, keeping cars available longer. Switch to on-demand cleaning for heavy smoking instances, with accurate sensors alerting you to every event.

Get in touch with your INVERS contact person or visit our website to find out more.