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Event Consumers


This page explains how you can manage your Event Consumers within FleetControl. For detailed technical information, please refer to the developer documentation.

Use the INVERS Events API to receive real-time messages for your fleet, enabling you to keep your applications up-to-date and to react to certain events as they occur. The INVERS Events API delivers events through AMQP, such as new vehicle state recordings or changes to vehicle master data. To access this feature go to Developers > Event Consumers.

Creating a New Event Consumer⚓︎

  1. Select Add Consumer.
  2. Enter a name for the new consumer, for example the name of the application that this consumer represents.
  3. Choose the topics by turning the toggle switch on. For detailed descriptions, see the event list in our developer documentation.
  4. Click Add to create your Event Consumer.


A topic will automatically be unsubscribed if the queue is not used for three days.

Change Subscriptions⚓︎

To edit subscriptions, click Change Subscriptions and turn the toggle switches off or on. Remember to select Save.

Recognize Consumer Issues⚓︎

Consumers can have tags that indicate problems with a topic or the entire consumer. You can see these tags next to the topic name. If a consumer has no tag, it is operating normally. Tags appear only when a problem is detected.



The Warning tag indicates that one or more topics have reported problems. Open the consumer and check each topic for a warning status. To find out what the problem is, open Show Metrics. The yellow box provides information on issues and possible solutions (see Metrics below).


Consumers with the Suspended tag have been deactivated by INVERS. This occurs when a consumer is not implemented properly and places extreme loads on our infrastructure. Contact INVERS support to reactivate the consumer.

Not Connected⚓︎

The Not connected tag indicates that no consumer is connected to this queue. Ensure that the consumer credentials are correctly used by the consumer.


While you are subscribed to a topic, you can select Show Metrics in its row to see the status of the topic’s message queue. The following metrics are available:

Metric Description
Events Ready The total number of events that are ready to be consumed, which includes requeued events.
Events Unacked The total number of events that have not been acknowledged after consumption.
Consumers The total number of consumers connected to the queue.
Events Redelivered Rate The rate in events per second which are redelivered because they are negatively acknowledged.
Events Unacked Rate The rate in events per second at which the “Events Unacked” changed over the past 15 minutes. Rates greater or equal than 0 indicate that the consumers are either acknowledging events too slowly or not at all.
Consumer Utilisation The proportion of time (from 0 to 100%) that a queue’s consumers were able to consume new events. At 100%, the queue never has to wait for consumers.

More Actions⚓︎

You can edit the name of a consumer or completely delete an event consumer. Choose the item you want to work on and select to find Edit Name or Delete.